Frequently Asked Questions

Is the light as harmful as the sun?

No. Our Bright Light Therapy devices emit a strong white light which mimics natural light but without harmful UV rays or heat.

Can you sleep while undergoing BLT?

No. Bright Light Therapy relies on the light reaching the retina, so you need your eyes open. But you don’t need to look directly at the light so reading, using a laptop or tablet is fine. MOODLight chairs possess the latest USB charging sockets to enable this.

How long will a session last?

Typically, a session lasts between 30 and 45 minutes, preferably in the morning.

Is BLT proven scientifically?

Absolutely. There has been a huge amount of research which demonstrates the proven mental and physical health benefits of regular exposure to Bright Lights. The NHS promotes BLT as a treatment for Seasonal Affected Disorder (SAD) and other health conditions.

How quickly will I see the benefits?

Very. Studies have shown that as few as five sessions of bright light therapy is enough to see significant improvements in mood and sleep patterns. However, sustained exposure to BLT over time will see longer term benefits.

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