
The Benefits of Bright Light Therapy

Bright Light Therapy (B.L.T) has proven benefits in treating a range of health conditions through regular exposure to a Bright Light device.

Proven benefits include:

Regulation of sleep via the Circadian rhythm

Bright Light exposure, especially in the morning, helps reset and stabilize the circadian rhythm of the body, essential for maintaining a consistent and healthy sleep cycle.

Alleviation of SAD symptoms and reduction in depression symptoms

BLT is a common and effective treatment for SAD, a type of depression that occurs at a specific time of the year, usually in winter when natural sunlight exposure is reduced.

Jet lag regulation and night shift workers sleep patterns

BLT naturally harmonises a traveller’s body clock with their current time zone while the effects of night shift working, proven to disrupt cortisol and melatonin levels, can also be alleviated.

Enhanced energy and productivity

When days are shorter and darker we all experience reduced serotonin levels and increased melatonin secretion in our bodies. This makes us feel lethargic. BLT increases serotonin and decreases melatonin, reversing the effects of darkness.